Zoe – Review

Earthen Witch, Updates

I am honored and humbled to see such a thoughtful and eloquent review of my novella, Zoe. He was kind enough to inform me that his rating is five stars!

There are **spoilers** in this review, so read on at your own peril. Also, please note that there are a few passages and events in this novella that might be a trigger, and some of those elements are discussed in this review.

zoe final

General: the end of this novella left me with a sense of deflation – not at the writing, which is superbly done, but the pyrrhic victory captured in the words “after all, dark is better than dead”(67).  Zoë overcomes her dark-witch tormentor, Graham, but in killing him she gains darkness and loses the love of Connor and his werewolf/pet-dog companion, Shadow – the very person and friend she risks her self and life for.

Read the rest of Sarah Doughty’s Zoe – Review by fkregieblog.


General: the end of this novella left me with a sense of deflation – not at the writing, which is superbly done, but the pyrrhic victory captured in the words “after all, dark is better than dead”(67).  Zoë overcomes her dark-witch tormentor, Graham, but in killing him she gains darkness and loses the love of Connor and his werewolf/pet-dog companion, Shadow – the very person and friend she risks her self and life for. This acceptance is somewhat unfortunate, as it separates her in the end from the happiness (with Connor and Shadow) I feel she deserves considering all she has been through. Somehow it equates a kind of transgender reality. But then again, if life were what we imagine, there wouldn’t be the need to live. So, the unexpected ending, though more expressionistic, isn’t beyond reality.

Structurally, I found the divisions (of the chapters) a…

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35 thoughts on “Zoe – Review

      1. updated it in my good-read account but it is not yet visible on the blog. Sorry for that but will write a review after reading it and check out on more of your books

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Okay, I apologize, I didn’t explain that clearly.

      The main series follows one woman. Just Breathe and Focus are from her perspective (and where the story ultimately begins).

      Home is from her best friend’s perspective, and picks up immediately after Focus.

      Dream Spell is a novella in the perspective of a different woman that is in the same world, but she doesn’t know the main set of characters. It takes place prior to Just Breathe.

      Zoe, is a prequel, which explain the the transition of a woman (protagonist) into the main series as an antagonist.

      I hope that’s more clear.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Chronologically, you’d start with Zoe, but going by publication date, you’ll start with Just Breathe. Home is the most recent in chronological order. They can be read in any order, but they do follow a cohesive timeline.


      1. Yes, under the My Books tab, you can find info about my books, and links to get them. They’re at pretty much any online retailer except for Amazon and Google. Smashwords, Barnes and Noble, iBooks, Kobo. Oh, and Smashwords has all sorts of different file types, like mobi files, if you have a kindle. 😊😊

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      2. Oooh. Alright. Sorry I did not read your note yet as I am sidelining (ghost writing) and blogging at the same time. 🙂 I’ll read it now so I can get the sequence right. 🙂

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