I read somewhere that Sarah sees her writing poetry as a moment, whereas her writing fiction as a lifetime, and when I read this, it made total sense to me because I’ve read Sarah’s poetry for years and it is a moment, a strong powerful smack in the gut moment, but definitely a moment, whereas when I read her fiction, I can see the entire universe is being considered and she is methodical, paced and thorough in her plotting and building of characters.

Just Breathe delivered for me. I was surprised. Sarah knows her art, and she drew me into her world almost immediately.

I’m very familiar with Sarah’s poetry and have always appreciated her blunt and honest way of telling it like it is, that’s why it was a surprise to find out she is equally conversant and gifted with longer art forms. This isn’t just a hobby for her, you can tell she takes her writing very seriously and spends a lot of time ensuring she gets it right.

It doesn’t matter if a character
is a witch or a vampire
and whether those things exist
in our world or do not,
it matters that we believe
as we read that they are real.
That way we become
invested in them.

Aisling (the heroine) is the kind of woman that women can relate to and she isn’t afraid to stand up for what she feels is right. For this reason, Just Breathe is a deeply redemptive book and that alone makes it worthy of reading.

And with this I leave you with one recommendation, pick Sarah Doughty’s work out of the genre and let it Just Breathe.

Special thanks to Indie Blu(e) and Candice Louisa Daquin
for such an eloquent review of Just Breathe.
It was both unexpected and touching at the same time.
I still look back at this review with fondness.

I can only hope that as the series and overall universe has evolved,
Candice’s thoughts still hold true.
To read her review in its entirety, click here.

If you want to give my books a try, look no further.

~ Sarah Doughty

That Time Indie Blue Reviewed Just Breathe

Earthen Witch, Updates

I read somewhere that Sarah sees her writing poetry as a moment, whereas her writing fiction as a lifetime, and when I read this, it made total sense to me because I’ve read Sarah’s poetry for years and it is a moment, a strong powerful smack in the gut moment, but definitely a moment, whereas when I read her fiction, I can see the entire universe is being considered and she is methodical, paced and thorough in her plotting and building of characters.

Just Breathe delivered for me. I was surprised. Sarah knows her art, and she drew me into her world almost immediately.

I’m very familiar with Sarah’s poetry and have always appreciated her blunt and honest way of telling it like it is, that’s why it was a surprise to find out she is equally conversant and gifted with longer art forms. This isn’t just a hobby for her, you can tell she takes her writing very seriously and spends a lot of time ensuring she gets it right.

It doesn’t matter if a character
is a witch or a vampire
and whether those things exist
in our world or do not,
it matters that we believe
as we read that they are real.
That way we become
invested in them.

Aisling (the heroine) is the kind of woman that women can relate to and she isn’t afraid to stand up for what she feels is right. For this reason, Just Breathe is a deeply redemptive book and that alone makes it worthy of reading.

And with this I leave you with one recommendation, pick Sarah Doughty’s work out of the genre and let it Just Breathe.

Special thanks to Indie Blu(e) and Candice Louisa Daquin
for such an eloquent review of Just Breathe.
While this is merely an excerpt of the entire review,
I am beyond humbled at all the kind things
she had to say about the book.
To read the review in its entirety, click here.

~ Sarah Doughty

Review Of Just Breathe From Indie Blue

Earthen Witch, Updates

Introducing Indie Blu(e)


Indie Blu(e) was founded by Kindra Austin, Jimmi Campkin, and Christine Ray in 2018 as a vehicle to support both self-published writers and those published through small independent presses, as well as the readers who are passionate about independent writing. The concept for Indie Blu(e) grew out of the seed of the idea that individually independent writers have reach through word of mouth and social media, but that this reach could grow significantly if they networked with other independent writers to shine a spotlight on their collected body of work.

The founders of Indie Blu(e) want to offer a home for curated writers to promote their books, provide readers with honest, thoughtfully crafted book reviews and the opportunity to learn more about the member writers. Indie Blu(e) strives to be a hub for the type of edgy, high-quality writing that the founders love to read and want to share with a broader community of readers.

Be sure to check them out, there’s plenty more to come!

Also, if you use Instagram,
I’m going to launch Indie Blu(e)’s page
and will share all sorts of great content.
I look forward to seeing you there!
~ Sarah Doughty

Long Overdue: I Am A World Of Uncertainties Disguised As A Girl By Nicole Lyons


I’ve been long overdue in announcing
Sudden Denouement Publishing’s
amazing poetry collection from Nicole Lyons,
I Am A World Of Uncertainties Disguised As A Girl.
Nicole Lyons is a force of nature
disguised as a writer, a social activist,
a voice for the downtrodden,
and a powerful poet with a delicate touch.
She is a consulting editor at
Sudden Denouement Literary Collective.
She can be found on her website,
Instagram, and Twitter.

These are a few reviews worth checking out:
Georgia Park
Nicholas Gagnier

Other reviews:

Where to get your copy:
Amazon US · Amazon UK · Book Depository

Long Overdue: Machiavelli’s Backyard By David Lohrey


I’ve been long overdue in announcing
Sudden Denouement Publishing’s debut
poetry collection from David Lohrey,
Machiavelli’s Backyard.
Lohrey has a long background in writing
and currently is a contributing writer
and managing editor at
Sudden Denouement Literary Collective.

Find his book and check out the reviews:
Amazon US
Amazon UK
Book Depository

Sudden Denouement Publishing proudly announces
the release of Rachel Finch’s stunning book of poetry,
A Sparrow Stirs its Wings.
Finch is the powerhouse behind the
Bruised But Not Broken community on Facebook,
which provides support and healing for trauma survivors.
Her writings can also be found
on her website, and Blood Into Ink.
She is a symbol of hope and light throughout the world.

These are a few reviews worth checking out:
Faye K. Brown
Nicole Lyons

Find her book on Amazon.


A Sparrow Stirs its Wings By Rachel Finch Is Now Available


Anthology Volume I: Writings from the Sudden Denouement Literary Collective
has already met some impeccable milestones.
Not only did it release
#1 on Amazon’s Poetry Anthology list,
but the reviews are coming in
and they are glowing.

Advance Reader Copy Reviews:

Candice Louisa Daquin’s Review
Alfa’s Review
Mariah Voutilainen’s Review

Other reviews:


Where To Get Your Copy:

Amazon US · Amazon UK · Book Depository

Reviews For Sudden Denouement’s Anthology


Review Of Just Breathe

Earthen Witch, Updates

To receive one of these rare, highly-intuitive and overwhelmingly positive reviews is never to be taken lightly. Not only am I a little speechless, grinning ear to ear at Ian Gregoire’s thoughts, I’m beyond honored. To know from an unlikely (male) source that my first book was everything I hoped it would be is a gift in and of itself. It reiterates that my decision to write and then share this story — the story that in many ways hits very close to my heart — was the right one.

Review: Watercolor Words

This was originally shared as an exclusive sneak peak in the second poetry issue of Mailbox Eulogies a week ago. To join, click here.

I purchased this book at a signing and Topher Kearby was both kind and considerate to me and my family. I read the book that night and I really enjoyed the mix of typed poems, art, and poetry. Most of the poems resonated with me and I felt a deep connection with them. His unique way of expressing himself through his art is unlike anything I’ve seen before and I’m lucky to be a part of it.

5/5 Stars

Have a poetry book you’d like to recommend? Drop it in the comments or send me an email via my about page.

© Sarah Doughty

Review: Flow And Grip

This was originally shared as an exclusive sneak peak in the first fiction issue of Mailbox Eulogies a week ago. To join, click here.

Where can I possibly begin to describe my love for these books? The simplest answer is the beginning.

Flow is the prequel novella to Grip, which is the essential backstory to the journey that is Bristol and Grip. Within the first few pages, At the airport, Grip was picking Bristol up to spend time with her brother, his best friend. Upon first seeing her, Grip thought, Black skinny jeans cling to long, lean legs that start at Monday and stretch all the way through next week, and I knew I was hooked. I grinned like a loon and even chuckled a little.

It says a lot for a book to stir such a reaction within the first few chapters, but this was merely pages. Pages, people! Ryan mentions her love for poetry and how she wanted it to shine through in her fiction, and she pulls it off with ease. A few pages later, as the narration shifts to Bristol, it’s obvious how much the narration differed so much from Grip’s, which was another dead giveaway that Ryan is a great storyteller.

As I’m marveling at the chemistry and depth of the characters, Grip blurts, “I was wondering when you’d get around to asking some questions.” His expression loosens into a grin. “You keep looking at me like I might pull over at the next rest stop and stuff you in the trunk.”

I couldn’t help it. I busted out laughing, which of course, I was reading in bed at three in the morning and I woke my poor husband up in the process. But I digress.

Each paragraph held my attention. The electricity between Bristol and Grip was off the charts.

Without getting spoilery, something happens and seven years later, Grip begins. Bristol has pushed Grip away and kept him as a friend and business partner, but Grip hasn’t wavered in his quest to win her over. The lyrical storytelling continues throughout and I was just as spellbound by the story as I was in Flow. Since this is an adult contemporary romance, it’s not for younger audiences, and if this doesn’t deter you, I recommend it. Very much.

If you’re still unsure, let me lure you a little by saying that Flow is always free to download from Amazon, so what’s the harm in trying it? As an extra bonus, Ryan (she’s such a generous soul!) is offering a giveaway of Grip to one lucky winner! See the details on that below.

Allow me the cue the angels to sing, throw some confetti, and by all means, imagine Morgan Freeman reading you some poetry. Because, these books are made of gold. (And this is the part where I’ll squeal because Ryan is writing another novel, following Bristol and Grip, called Still, and I can’t wait for it!)

5/5 Stars – Although, if I could, I’d give 6/5, because, wow.

Grip E-Book Giveaway!

One entry per action completed (must email me a screenshot of each item for them to count!):

**Giveaway will end and be announced on May 10th.**

Have a fiction book you’d like to recommend? Drop it in the comments or send me an email via my about page.

© Sarah Doughty