Wrapping Up June

Earthen Witch, Fiction, Photography, Random Thoughts

Heya Lovelies,

Here’s June’s wrap up

Another month down.

Earlier this month, my beta readers received their eARCs of Enduring The Flames. I’ve already started receiving feedback and I’m implementing extensive edits, especially in the early parts of the book. There’s a new prologue, more world building & establishing of the magic systems, along with simplifying the introduction of characters — because there are a lot of them.

For this series, I’ve tried to make it possible for readers to enjoy each book as if they’re standalones. Though I’ve always been clear that they’re part of an ongoing series, I’m now seven, full-length novels into the story and that’s becoming a lot more difficult.

I was hoping to plot and write the first installment of my anthology trilogy, but I’m thinking that won’t happen for a few more weeks at least while I finish editing.

Yet again, the backlog of reviewing books I’ve read has continued to grow. Fingers crossed that I’ll get caught up on those soon.

Finally, the lovely hosts are doing another month of prompts for July. I’m once again planning on continuing.

On Twitter, I’m taking part in another month of fiction prompts. I’m sharing them here as well.

Stronger Than Blood is the latest installment of the Earthen Witch universe, following Marcy and Liam’s journey. It is now available on Smashwords and their network of retailers.

Until next time,

Writing Mascots

Earthen Witch, Fiction, Photography, Random Thoughts

Heya Lovelies,

Here’s Day 29: Writing mascots

By the power of three.

Meet Ernest (after Ernest Greene) the beagle, Linus the cat, and Romani (it means wanderer) the German Shepard mix. They’re my shadows, hanging around me wherever I go.

On Twitter, I’m taking part in another month of fiction prompts. I’m sharing them here as well.

If you want to stay up to date with news and gain access to exclusive, subscriber-only content, sign up for my newsletter.

Until next time,


Earthen Witch, Fiction, Photography, Random Thoughts

Heya Lovelies,

Here’s Day 28: Summer Picnic

There’s one in autumn at the end of Focus.

In late autumn, Aisling and Connor go to their special clearing — discovered by Aisling’s late grandmother when she was younger — hidden in the nearby woods at the end of Focus. Though there is some food consumption, they spend most of their time doing other … ahem … fun things.

On Twitter, I’m taking part in another month of fiction prompts. I’m sharing them here as well.

If you want to stay up to date with news and gain access to exclusive, subscriber-only content, sign up for my newsletter.

Until next time,

One-Line Monday – More

Earthen Witch, Fiction, Photography, Random Thoughts

Heya Lovelies,

Here’s Day 27: More

From Stronger Than Blood.

“None of what happened was your fault,” the vampire’s baritone, melodic voice said. “You are so much more than what happened to you.”


© Sarah Doughty

On Twitter, I’m taking part in another month of fiction prompts. I’m sharing them here as well.

If you want to stay up to date with news and gain access to exclusive, subscriber-only content, sign up for my newsletter.

Until next time,

Best Writing Advice

Earthen Witch, Fiction, Photography, Random Thoughts

Heya Lovelies,

Here’s Day 26: Best writing advice

This can be answered in two ways.

Best advice I’ve received: storytelling is like transcribing — be true to the story, and keep writing.

My best advice for writers: if you love it, don’t give up. No matter how talented you are, there’s always room to grow and learn, so keep going.

On Twitter, I’m taking part in another month of fiction prompts. I’m sharing them here as well.

If you want to stay up to date with news and gain access to exclusive, subscriber-only content, sign up for my newsletter.

Until next time,

Saturday Snippet – Sleep

Earthen Witch, Fiction, Photography, Random Thoughts

Heya Lovelies,

Here’s Day 25: Sleep

From Listen.

Dreamless sleep was like being lost in oblivion. But it wasn’t frightening or terrible by any
means. It was a dark place that played like a lullaby without sound. It was a slow beating of the heart, contentment, free from thought or stress.

© Sarah Doughty

On Twitter, I’m taking part in another month of fiction prompts. I’m sharing them here as well.

If you want to stay up to date with news and gain access to exclusive, subscriber-only content, sign up for my newsletter.

Until next time,

Bonus Snippet – Inquisition

Earthen Witch, Fiction, Photography, Random Thoughts

Heya Lovelies,

Here’s Day 23: Inquisition

From Enduring The Flames.

Humans didn’t know it, but the Inquisition never stopped.

© Sarah Doughty

On Twitter, I’m taking part in another month of fiction prompts. I’m sharing them here as well.

If you want to stay up to date with news and gain access to exclusive, subscriber-only content, sign up for my newsletter.

Until next time,

Best Supporting Character

Earthen Witch, Fiction, Photography, Random Thoughts

Heya Lovelies,

Here’s Day 22: Best supporting character in WIP

This can be answered in two ways regarding Enduring The Flames.

While the story follows Zoe (the majority of the book is from her first-person perspective) and the story itself is driven by outside forces (read: not the romance) the character that truly supports her is Vlad.

But if we’re getting technical and excluding him, I would say that Aisling, Marcy, and Angela are tied for the best supporting character. Each are there for Zoe when she needs them — and that’s not something she takes for granted.

On Twitter, I’m taking part in another month of fiction prompts. I’m sharing them here as well.

If you want to stay up to date with news and gain access to exclusive, subscriber-only content, sign up for my newsletter.

Until next time,

Lessons Learned

Earthen Witch, Fiction, Photography, Random Thoughts

Heya Lovelies,

Here’s Day 21: Lessons learned in WIP

This can be answered in two ways regarding Enduring The Flames.

First is a lesson from a writer’s perspective. In this book, since the infamous Dracula was such an important role, I did my best to weave real historical events into the story, only adding my own bits here and there — especially when it came to the relative unknowns in the man’s life. I found it so enjoyable that I began toying with the idea of doing more with a trilogy anthology to cover some of the series’s big events and how they work in tandem with the truth.

The second is that Zoe’s story is relatable to many. The selfless sacrifices she was forced to make in an effort to protect the people she cared about was used against her time and time again. It broke her. Leaving her with nothing but doubts and hesitations. Through careful guidance, she struggles to come to terms with her life and stop letting her past affect her present and future. Perseverance and hope are powerful tools.

On Twitter, I’m taking part in another month of fiction prompts. I’m sharing them here as well.

If you want to stay up to date with news and gain access to exclusive, subscriber-only content, sign up for my newsletter.

Until next time,

One-Line Monday – Stop

Earthen Witch, Fiction, Photography, Random Thoughts

Heya Lovelies,

Here’s Day 20: Stop

From Just Breathe.

Connor’s entire aura shifted to red and he
straightened, eyes still fixated on my mouth. He took a deep breath and slowly looked back up at my eyes. “And stop doing that,” he growled.

© Sarah Doughty

On Twitter, I’m taking part in another month of fiction prompts. I’m sharing them here as well.

If you want to stay up to date with news and gain access to exclusive, subscriber-only content, sign up for my newsletter.

Until next time,