What Is Next?

Earthen Witch, Fiction, Photography, Random Thoughts

Heya Lovelies,

Here’s Day 23: Future writing plans

Oh, it’s just a couple things.

  • Edit Enduring The Flames, starring a special couple that’s been a LONG time coming (Zoe & Vlad) — keep an eye out for the cover reveal in April!
  • Develop & write an anthology trilogy, covering some significant historical events in the Earthen universe. I’ve mentioned before here and here, but only briefly — and I didn’t yet know how many installments there would be. As of right now, it’s limited to three books:

Forged By Iron And Bone
(before the Earthens were killed)
Ruined By Embers And Ash
(during the Earthen purge)
Cursed By Blood And Tears
(the world after their loss)

On Twitter, I’m taking part in another month of fiction prompts. I’m sharing them here as well.

Stronger Than Blood is the latest installment of the Earthen Witch universe, following Marcy and Liam’s journey. It is now available on Smashwords and their network of retailers.

Until next time,

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