Retribution Burned


“I revel in the power with a glint
of retribution burning in my eyes.”

The grumbling, crackling of thunder overhead rushes over me as the breeze increases its speed. A warning of the oncoming storm. The ominous flash, hidden behind the dark gray clouds, rolling around each other as if every part of it wants a chance to glimpse the ground beneath it. That is when I hear the leaves of the trees begin to whisper their silent songs. That is when I see the worms in the earth begin to stir, like they’re anticipating the coming rain. That is when I feel the electricity building in the air. And as those dark clouds pass overhead at last, casting me in shadow, I revel in its power with a glint of retribution burning in my eyes.

© Sarah Doughty

And then I take it all in.

A little something
from one of the antagonists
in my fiction series.

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