Pretty Lights

Poetry, Random Thoughts

“Don’t put dangerous things under
a pretty light and call them beautiful.”

If fiction is truth disguised in a lie, then poetry is the same, on a much smaller scale. But there should be a line no one crosses. If you don’t have intimate knowledge of something, don’t write about it. Don’t tell lies as truths. And don’t romanticize something dangerous. Ever. Especially if you know little or nothing about it. It’s not only irresponsible, but it’s reckless and could cost lives. Be careful what you put out into the world. You never know what your words will do to someone.

© Sarah Doughty

Self-harm might be better than suicide,
but it’s still incredibly dangerous
and needs to be treated
by a licensed professional.

10 thoughts on “Pretty Lights

    1. Yes love, I just couldn’t believe it when the interwebs started an outcry about a insta-famous poet, pretty much glorifying cutting. I just couldn’t believe it. Something along the lines of siding through the skin to let light in. It takes a lot for me to lose complete respect for someone that would publish something like that in a book when his (yes his) teacher audience is teenage girls.

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