May Book Prompts

Random Thoughts

You know how all the famous authors out there always say that writers need to write every day if they’re going to evolve and continue to improve their craft? They’re right.

There’s things like National Poetry Writing Month and National Novel Writing Month that exist to help people with this very issue. To help push us writers to write, write, and write some more. It trains us to make writing a part of our daily routine.

But then again, sometimes we run into snags and find ourselves unsure of what to write. That, my friends, is writer’s block. Sometimes all we need is a little bit of direction to get those creative juices flowing.

That’s why Mah of MahWrites (instagram @emotionally.inconstant) and I have teamed up to give you a whole month worth of prompts. For the entire month of May, a book title will serve as the prompt. Write something based on the book, or something that is inspired by the title — it’s up to you. That’s the glory of prompts. You can use it for poetry, fiction, art, even photography, if that suits you.

Feel free to join me here, using #MayBookPrompts or on instagram, and share if you like.


145 thoughts on “May Book Prompts

  1. Aha! I finally found where I needed to be, whew 🙂 I see a lot of great books on the list–wasn’t Midnight In the Garden of Good and Evil incredible!! I loved both the book and the movie (I’m a John Cusack fan). I’ll bookmark this page for future pondering–thanks again for your assistance (I think I probably wasn’t Following you this early, thus was unaware of all that you had going on here!) 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No worries. There’s the June prompts I did unofficially by using words I found intriguing. July was the Filipino words. Prompts are always handy to have if you need a little guidance.


      1. Here you go! 1. Flatline
        2. Succulent
        3. Malleable
        4. Catoptromancy (future via mirror)
        5. Flourish
        6. Rebirth
        7. Ethereal
        8. Illicitous
        9. Petrichor (smell after rain)
        10. Departure
        11. Scribe
        12. Iridescent
        13. Malleus Maleficarum
        14. Obsidian
        15. Aurora (dawn)
        16. Oblivion
        17. Melodious
        18. Ephemeral
        19. Denouement (the end of a narrative)
        20. Eloquence
        21. Disenthral (freed from enslavement)
        22. Crevasse
        23. Aquiver
        24. Nefarious
        25. Limerance (infatuation)
        26. Astrobleme (an old crater made by a meteor)
        27. Resurrection
        28. Melancholy
        29. Constellate (a gathering/cluster)
        30. Haruspex (analysis of animal sacrifice entrails for future)


      2. WOW–you’re an angel, thank you!! Petrichor is one of my fave words and smells!! And my neighbor and I are always talking about the other “nefarious” tenants–haha! Thanks again 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I like your list and think the items make more effective prompts if you haven’t read the book. So many interesting possibilities! This would be a great thing to do as a daily writing prompt for students too.

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