Feature Friday – Rebecca F. Kenney

Earthen Witch, Fiction, Photography, Random Thoughts

Heya Lovelies,

Here’s Day 8: Feature Friday

This week’s feature goes to Rebecca F. Kenney.

This week’s Feature Friday goes to the talented Rebecca F. Kenney. I know I’ve featured her before, but I have two reasons to share.

1. I recently read Pawn of the Cruel Princess and really enjoyed it. 2. She gave me some of the best feedback I’ve received on Enduring The Flames and I’m feeling very good about the changes being made. Gratitude just doesn’t cover it.

On Twitter, I’m taking part in a month-long series of fiction prompts. I’m sharing them here as well.

Stronger Than Blood is the latest installment of the Earthen Witch universe, following Marcy and Liam’s journey. It is now available at Smashwords and their network of retailers.

Until next time,

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