Catching Up

Earthen Witch, Fiction, Photography, Random Thoughts

Heya Lovelies,

Here’s Days 5 & 6: Themes in WIP, Hardest part about writing

Throughout my series, there’s one overarching theme.

It’s all about finding a place where you can be yourself — home and finding the people that become your family.

In Enduring The Flames, Zoe and Vlad’s tale does have that, too, but the biggest theme through the story is about earning redemption and finding hope.

The hardest part about writing my series is the canon.

In my head, the word building, the magical systems, all the breakable rules are all there. As the series continues, I try to cover all necessary events/backstory without confusing people. I tend to forget in the early drafts that i need to ease readers back in the story. I’m working on trying to remember this going forward.

On Twitter, I’m taking part in another month of fiction prompts. I’m sharing them here as well.

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Until next time,

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