Hello July

Earthen Witch, Fiction, Photography, Random Thoughts

Heya Lovelies,

Here’s Day 1: Introduce Yourself & WIP

With a moodboard & cover, of course!

For those of you that are new here, allow me to introduce myself: I’m Sarah Doughty, a novelist, poet, and all-around wordsmith. But I’m not like other writers. I write because I must. It’s my therapy.

Perhaps my biggest love when it comes to the written word is fiction. Both in writing and reading. I’ve been primarily working on my Earthen Witch universe series, which are adult urban fantasy romances. These books have spanned across two standalone novellas and six novels — with the seventh releasing in August.

Final edits for Enduring The Flames are nearing completion, and I’ve been receiving valuable feedback from my beta readers.

I’ve talked about my upcoming plans for an anthology trilogy a few times. Later this summer, I hope to plot it out and begin writing the first installment.

Without further ado, here’s the moodboard and cover for Enduring The Flames:

On Twitter, I’m taking part in another month of fiction prompts. I’m sharing them here as well.

If you want to stay up to date with news and gain access to exclusive, subscriber-only content, sign up for my newsletter.

Until next time,

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