49 thoughts on “Petrichor

  1. Since you write so beautiful about relationships-love, coud I hire you to write for me to a girl that I really like?…….well, actually there are several so it would be quite the job. I´ll pay you 10$ for each poem and 50$ If I get it on with the girl

    Liked by 1 person

      1. So you´re not going to do it?… It´s actually a humanitarian thing, so you are telling me that for me to get laid and asking for your help is actually not humanitarian, you should be ashamed of yourself……. you are un- humanitarian

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Reblogged this on La Petit Muse and commented:
    I can feel this. I can sense this. I can taste this. a STUNNING VISUAL MASTERPIECE! Sarah, you keep outdoing yourself with every word you write. This is too beautiful. ❤


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