17 thoughts on “Living

  1. Another tough statement, admittedly true, but isn’t that a sad admission of massive psychological dysfunction? Many people indulge in NSSI or non-suicidal self-injury in order to feel better (presumably after the pain has been inflicted and something is done to alleviate it). I only know two types of pain, neither of which are helpful: physical pain that could only be soothed over with drugs (which I refuse to take) and empathy which is a kind of constant mental torture due to global conditions I am obviously helpless to do much, if anything, about. What would make me feel better is no pain at all: that would be living! But yes, pain adds to the poignancy of an “engaged” life as opposed to a zombie approach. Obviously you know too well what you’re writing about and you hit the nail on the head again, Sarah.

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    1. I know exactly what you mean. Your latter point was what I was aiming at. Going through life feeling nothing isn’t living. Something as exhilarating as love has some pain with it, too. Not the end of it, but the fear of losing it. Nothing so amazing is without something to balance the scales, if that makes sense.


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